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DELAC & Sanctuary Task Force

DELAC Meeting Dates

First page of the PDF file: DELACFlyer2023-24v2


The District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) advices the board on at least the following tasks:

  1. Development of a district master plan for programs and services for ELs.

  2. Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.

  3. Establishment of district goals, program and services for ELs

  4. Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any teacher or aide requirements.

  5. Review and comment on the district reclassification procedures.

  6. Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians. 

  7. Review and comment on the development or annual update of the LCAP.


DELAC Meeting's Presentations


First page of the PDF file: SanctuaryTaskForceFlyer2023-24v2

Sanctuary Task Force’s Mission

1. Propose school protocols and systems responding to the needs of immigrant students and families.

2. Support school sites in establishing and nurturing a welcoming and inclusive culture where immigrant students and their families feel valued and supported.

3. Enhance partnerships with community-based organizations and legal organizations who provide resources & services for immigrant families.

Sanctuary Task Force Meeting's Presentations

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