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Translation & Interpretation Services

Responsibilities and Commitment

The SMFCSD translation and interpretation service’s goal is to provide clear, accurate and efficient communication between school staff and families that need language support in order to access the information and resources our district has to offer. We follow the CDE guidelines to provide interpretation support to our educational partners. Our district makes all efforts to provide translation and interpretation for languages that represent 15% or more of any given student school population. As of 2024, the languages that represent 15% of our schools population include: Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese. Our district also provides translation and interpretation services in other languages as these are available.

How we satisfy demands

Our district is a multicultural organization and many members of our community require language support in order to communicate with schools and engage with their children’s education. We have a team of district translators/interpreters that play an important role in facilitating the communication between schools and parents. When the demand for interpretation/translation services from the schools is not fulfilled by our team, we employ a language services company.

On-demand translation

Educators and schools can also access on-demand interpretation services through dialing a direct line that will connect them with someone who can provide this service to them. Schools are expected to call our group of SMFCSD translators first. If no one is available, they have the option to contact on demand translation from the external language service company.

Please submit your translation request here