Reclassification Criteria & Process
The criteria and procedures for reclassifying English Learners have been developed by the district’s EL Reclassification Committee using research and student data to guarantee a successful transition to fluent English proficiency (RFEP). All students with an ELPAC Overall 4 are eligible to be considered for reclassification in conjunction with other locally determined reclassification criteria outlined in state law under EC 313 (f).
Reclassification of General Education Students
In order to reclassify, students must meet four criteria described below:
English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC). Students who score at Summative ELPAC Overall 4 and Summative Alternate ELPAC Overall 3.
Basic Skills Assessment: meeting or exceeding established ELA assessment benchmarks (PAF, SBAC/CAASPP, or SRI).
Teacher Input: For our district, the teacher input means having the classroom teacher fill out a Teacher Input Form on the ELLevation platform. In the absence of a Teacher Input Form, literacy grades can be used. Elementary students should have at least 2 in ELA in any of the ELA markings. For middle school students, they must attain a C- in ELA or a B- in English Language Development (ELD) if ELD is in lieu of ELA.
Parent Consultation: Once students meet all the specified criteria, we proceed to contact their parents or guardians for a consultation.
Reclassification of Students in Special Education
In the SMFCSD, students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are offered three distinct pathways to support their process toward meeting the reclassification (see chart below).
Pathway 1 (Summative ELPAC), caters to English learners with disabilities who exhibit proficiency across all four domains of language as listening, speaking, reading, and writing either with or without accommodations.
Pathway 2 (Alternate ELPAC), addresses the needs of English learners facing significant cognitive impairments, necessitating an alternative assessment process for evaluating their English language proficiency. This pathway ensures that these students receive tailored support to reach their full potential.
Pathway 3 (Summative ELPAC), is designed for English learners with disabilities whose specific challenges prevent them from undergoing assessment in one or more language domains using conventional proficiency measures. In such cases, accommodations may not suffice, and a more customized approach is taken to address their learning needs.
Students with a 504 plan will be following Pathway 1 and Pathway 3.
Pathway 1 (Summative ELPAC), caters to English learners with disabilities who exhibit proficiency across all four domains of language as listening, speaking, reading, and writing either with or without accommodations.
Pathway 3 (Summative ELPAC), is designed for English learners with disabilities whose specific challenges prevent them from undergoing assessment in one or more language domains using conventional proficiency measures. In such cases, accommodations may not suffice, and a more customized approach is taken to address their learning needs.
Reclassification Exit Criteria Posters
Multilingual Learner Services Team
Brenda Jarillo Rabling, PH.D| Coordinator of Multilingual Learner Service
Sofia Gonzalez Otero, PH.D.| Coordinator of Multilingual Learner Service
Jeannette Ramirez|POSA of Multilingual Learner Service