Our Vision:
The California Teacher Induction Program in the San Mateo-Foster City School District develops professional educators with pedagogies that lead to universal access.
Our Mission:
Our teachers are prepared to positively impact students as they:
⭐Engage all students in learning
⭐Create learning environments that are physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually safe for all students and teachers in our diverse society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity
⭐Organize subject matter for student understanding and achievement
⭐Plan differentiated lessons to initiate and support struggle for students with diverse needs
⭐Assess students for learning
⭐Develop as professional educators
Our vision and mission supports, and is supported by the SMFCSD Vision and Mission.
Admission and Successful Completion
This document provides admission requirements, including the Eligibility Form for Induction. Completion requirements (aka "Course and Fieldwork Requirements") that lead to successful completion of Induction in the San Mateo-Foster City School District.
Handbook with Complete Program Information
Our Program
The San Mateo-Foster City School District Induction program promotes enduring professional skills balanced with support to meet immediate needs. Teachers receive personalized mentorship and develop a professional development path that includes both district-sponsored and individualized learning. Teachers use data to reflect on teaching and determine next steps. Based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the program has strengthened the mentor's role: fewer forms, more substance!
David Chambliss | Assistant Superintendent of Education Services
Suzi Riley | Induction Coordinator Program Lead
Beth Littrell | Induction Consultant
Maria Ines Iregui Vargas | Induction Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Yen | Induction Webmaster
Credential Analysts:
Natalie Ferrari | Confidential Administrative Assistant (A-K)
Bethany Van Der Haeghen | Confidential Administrative Assistant (L-Z)
- Preconditions
- CTC Feedback on Preconditions
- Program Review
- CTC Feedback on Program Review
- Common Standards
- CTC Feedback on Common Standards
- What teachers are saying
California law provides the Commission on Teacher Credentialing with the authority to accredit institutions and approve all programs that lead to a credential to serve as an educator in California’s public schools. Among other responsibilities, Section 44225 of the California Education Code establishes that the Commission shall establish professional standards, assessment and examinations for entry and advancement in the education profession, adopt a framework and general standards for the accreditation of preparation programs for teachers and other certificated educators, and propose appropriate rules and regulations in this area. All institutions wishing to offer credential programs in the area of educator preparation programs must first successfully respond to the Commission’s preconditions.
What is a Precondition? A precondition is a requirement for initial and continued program approval. Unlike standards, preconditions specify requirements for program compliance, not program quality. The basis for a precondition is either 1) statute, or 2) Commission policy. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing determines whether a program complies with the adopted preconditions on the basis of a program document provided by the institution. In the program review sequence, a program that meets all preconditions is eligible for a more intensive review to determine if the program's quality satisfies the Commission's standards.
The Individual Learning Plan is the heart of the Induction experience. Note: Many links to professional learning modules on this document are available only when logged in as an SMFCSD Employee. Those are not part of evidence required for Preconditions.
The PROGRAM SUMMARY (Our Story) can be found on this link
This HANDBOOK has detailed information
General Institutional Preconditions
There are essentially two kinds of preconditions. The first are the Commission’s General Institutional Preconditions. These apply to all professional preparation programs—teacher and services credential preparation programs. These preconditions do not apply to subject matter programs. The second type of preconditions are those that apply to particular kinds of credential preparation programs. In addition, there are preconditions for many types of educator preparation programs. All program sponsors must respond to each of the applicable preconditions.
Induction Preconditions
Preconditions that apply to all institutions applying to the Commission for approval to offer an Induction Program. Institutions must respond to the General Institutional Preconditions, as well as these additional Specific Preconditions.
General Institutional Preconditions
- Precondition 1
- Precondition 2
- Precondition 3
- Precondition 4
- Precondition 5
- Precondition 6
- Precondition 7
- Precondition 8
- Precondition 9
- Precondition 10
- Precondition 11
- Precondition 12
Precondition 1
Precondition 2
Precondition 3
Precondition 4
Precondition 5
Precondition 6
Precondition 7
Precondition 8
The Grievance Procedure is linked at the top of the ILP for each candidate, and it is on page 24 of the Handbook. It is in the document shared with each teacher during the initial one-on-one meeting with the program coordinator.
Precondition 9
Precondition 10
This website is available without any barrier (e.g. login and password) to accessing information about the institution and the program. On the district website, any person searching for INDUCTION will be led to this page.
Precondition 11
Precondition 12
Induction Preconditions
- Precondition 1: Two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning beginning in a teacher's first year
- Precondition 2: Mentor Matches
- Precondition 3: Not less than one hour per week
- Precondition 4: Developing the ILP in the first 60 days
- Precondition 5: The ILP is solely for professional growth and development (not evaluation)
- Precondition 6: Precondition language
Precondition 1: Two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning beginning in a teacher's first year
Precondition 2: Mentor Matches
Eligibility Form (see page 2: Memorandum of Understanding)
Sample of Sheet with mentor matches (password protected)
SMFCSD Induction Candidates & Mentors (password protected)
Precondition 3: Not less than one hour per week
Eligibility Form (see page 2: Memorandum of Understanding)
Mentor/Candidate INDUCTION LOG (Click here for a copy you can fill out)
Precondition 4: Developing the ILP in the first 60 days
Precondition 5: The ILP is solely for professional growth and development (not evaluation)
Eligibility Form (see page 2: Memorandum of Understanding)
Individual Learning Plan (page 2)
Precondition 6: Precondition language
CTC Feedback on Preconditions
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Preconditions Submission Review
Revised Preconditions Due August 15, 2023
Institution: San Mateo-Foster City SD
Program Cohort: Green Cohort
The information provided by your institution to demonstrate that each Commission approved credential program is operating in compliance with preconditions have been reviewed by staff. For preconditions that have been determined are met, no further action is necessary. If additional information is needed, the precondition responses must be revised (use a different colored font) and resubmitted to Feedback corresponding to the revisions will also be in a different colored font.
Institutions failing to submit revised preconditions by the above identified due date will be included in the next Committee on Accreditation meeting agenda for discussion and possible action. If you have any questions about the feedback provided here, please contact
Program Review
Induction Program Review - October 15, 2023
Program Review occurs in Year Five of the Accreditation Cycle. Program Review provides the Commission and the review team with evidence that the institution’s programs are preliminarily aligned to program standards. The Program Review process is only for Commission-approved programs and approved programs are not required to submit full narrative responses to standards. The program documents enumerated below provide the required information for the review team:
- Program Summary
- Organizational Structure
- Qualifications of Mentors & Professional Development Personnel
- Program Sequence
- Job Embedded Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Credential recommendation
- Credential Recommendation Process
Program Summary
Organizational Structure
Qualifications of Mentors & Professional Development Personnel
- Induction Personnel
- Annotated List of Instructional Personnel
- Mentor Responsibilities
- Instructional Personnel Recruitment Documents
Program Sequence
4.1 Link to the Published sequence of induction activities required for program completion (Candidate Handbook, Website, Pacing Guide, Responsibilities of an Induction Candidate, Induction Launch Slide Deck, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU))
Job Embedded Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Credential recommendation
5.1 Timeline denoting the timing of mentor assignment for candidates: Year 1 & Year 2/ECO
5.2 Signed Employer Agreement or MOU for each Employer
5.3 Coach/Mentor Training Material Invitation: Exhibit A,B, C, and D
5.4 Documentation of Candidate Placements
5.5 Induction Program Handbook
5.6.1 Assessment Instruments (Mentor Log & ILP)
Credential Recommendation Process
CTC Feedback on Program Review
Common Standards
Common Standards - #233 BI-SMFCSD
District Vision Statement:
The San Mateo-Foster City School District educates and inspires students to live, lead, and learn with integrity and joy.
Induction Vision Statement:
The California Teacher Induction Program in the San Mateo-Foster City School District develops professional educators with pedagogies that lead to universal access.
At the heart of this vision is the principle of universal access, which is grounded in the research on inclusive education. Studies have consistently shown that inclusive education practices, which aim to cater to the diverse needs of all students, significantly benefit not just students with special educational needs but all students (Florian, 2014). This approach requires educators to employ a variety of pedagogical strategies to ensure that learning is accessible to every student, regardless of their background or abilities. The program's emphasis on developing such pedagogies is directly tied to research indicating that teacher quality is a critical factor in students' academic success and engagement (Hattie, 2009).
- Common Standard 1: Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation
- Common Standard 2: Candidate Recruitment and Support
- Common Standard 3: Course of Study, Fieldwork, and Clinical Practice
- Common Standard 4: Continuous Improvement
- Common Standard 5: Evidence to corroborate the claim our Induction Programs have a positive impact
Common Standard 1: Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation
Recruitment of a diverse faculty
Strategies to support diverse learners in mentor training
Job Description for Coordinator & Mentor Teachers / Support Providers
Common Standard 2: Candidate Recruitment and Support
Common Standard 3: Course of Study, Fieldwork, and Clinical Practice
Common Standard 4: Continuous Improvement
Common Standard 5: Evidence to corroborate the claim our Induction Programs have a positive impact
CTC Feedback on Common Standards
What teachers are saying
"My mentor ... is an amazing mentor! I have learned so much from her from writing goals for my IEP to teaching strategies I use now in my classroom. I truly grateful for her!" International Teacher Year 2
" The immediate and relevant professional support embedded strategies to help us to become an effective teacher." International Teacher Year 2
" I learned so much from my mentor! I get the support/answers to questions when needed." SDC Teacher
" I appreciate the personalized support and help provided through the program to continue improving and growing as an educator." Year 2 Candidate
" The induction program for me is like a tutor that leads me to be a successful educator." Year 1 Candidate
" I appreciate the structure to support coaching conversations with my candidate" Mentor at Borel
" I enjoy mentoring other Montessori teachers" Mentor at North Shoreview
"... This is fantastic. Suzi is ALWAYS willing to help" Mentor at Abbott
"... I feel that everything is running smoothly" Mentor at San Mateo Park