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Our Vision: 

The California Teacher Induction Program in the San Mateo-Foster City School District develops professional educators with pedagogies that lead to universal access. 

Our Mission: 

Our teachers are prepared to positively impact students as they:

⭐Engage all students in learning

⭐Create learning environments that are physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually safe for all students and teachers in our diverse society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity

⭐Organize subject matter for student understanding and achievement

⭐Plan differentiated lessons to initiate and support struggle for students with diverse needs

⭐Assess students for learning

⭐Develop as professional educators

Our vision and mission supports, and is supported by the SMFCSD Vision and Mission.

David Chambliss | Assistant Superintendent of Education Services

Suzi Riley | Induction  Coordinator Program Lead

Beth Littrell | Induction Consultant

Maria Ines Iregui Vargas | Induction Administrative Assistant

Elizabeth Yen | Induction Webmaster

Credential Analysts:

Natalie Ferrari | Confidential Administrative Assistant (A-K)

Bethany Van Der Haeghen | Confidential Administrative Assistant (L-Z)


Everything in our district is guided by the three goals of our Strategic Plan:  Achievement, Equity, and Wellness. 

The Induction Program helps teachers manage these three ideals for themselves and their students.